We bought our house a couple months before we married and moved in. Froggy and I did sleep in separate rooms when SD and SS were with us—until we were married.
To give you a flavor of the indoctrination experience to becoming a stepmonster-- Comments situations dealt with--in a nutshell:
EX never helped SD and SS with presents for Froggy. I asked SD if she and SS would like me help them with a Father’s Day present:
SD response: No, because you are only the fioncee and don’t really count. My mommy is going to do it.
--note that SD and SS ended up asking me to help them because EX didn’t.
EX contantly telling the kids that it is disloyal for them to love Froggy. Saying she wishes Froggy would die.
Ex lying to Froggy about the date and time the kids were being Baptised so he would miss it.
Ex constantly telling the kids that it is disloyal for them to like me and not to have any relationship with me.
Ex telling kids to bring their dirty clothes from her house to our house for me to wash and to bring their clean clothes from our house to her house. I caught on and switched the clean clothes the kids had grabbed with the dirty clothes that arrived from Ex’s the week before. The clothes situation stopped after a few rounds of this.
Ex telling the kids that it is OK—she just wants to know how they really feel about me. When they told her that they like me and that I am a fun person and nice to them—EX flipped and started screaming at them for being disloyal to her. I believe SD as 8-9 and SS was 6-7 years old when this happened.
EX coming to our house screaming that I am a bitch in our front yard and me following suit—all in front of the kids. Not one of my finest moments in life by a longshot. I could say it had been boiling, blame it on a bad combination of hard day at work and PMS—but in the end, I am an adult and I should not have EX push my buttons in this manner.
EX frequently and consistently not being reliable about picking up the kids.
EX telling me I have no business showing up at school events for the kids—even though the kids invited me to attend.
EX calling the kids while they are at our home and keeping them on the phone for hours to limit their interaction with me and Froggy.
Ex calling the kids at our home and talking badly about Froggy, me, Froggy’s family to try to undermine relationships the kids have with people other than her.
Ex calling our home screaming that I tried to drown SS by teaching him to ride a boogie board—we could hear SS crying for her to stop in the background. SS was 8 or 9 when this happened.
Ex not allowing Froggy to talk to the kids or them to him when they are with her and demanding that the kids call her when they are at our home. If the kids don’t call her, she berates them when she sees them for being disloyal.
Ex not providing kids with beds to sleep in at her home—this went on for years before the kids told Froggy. Ex yelled at the kids for telling Froggy and it was still several months before the situation was rectified.
Ex telling the kids that when Froggy and I adopted children that SD and SS would no longer be wanted in our home.
Ex constantly favoring SD over SS to the extent that even SS is uncomfortable.
Ex telling SD that if she was the kind of daughter Froggy wanted—he would not have adopted two additional daughters.
Ex not keeping her home clean and blaming SD for being disloyal when she told Froggy that the place is such a state there is nowhere clean for her to sleep/do homework/ eat/ etc. This happened when SD was 13 and again now a year later.
Ex not talking to SD for now going on a month for the reason stated above.
Ex ignoring the phone calls from SD therapist who wants EX to come in a talk.